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Journal of Horticultural Science & Ornamental Plants (JHSOP)
                                    Volume 9 Number 2, 2017

Is the Performance of Snapdragon Plants (Antirrhinum majus L.) Influenced by Some Bio-Stimulators under Salinity Stress?

Asmaa Badreddine El-Attar

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]   DOI: 10.5829/idosi.jhsop.2017.52.64


Mechanisms of Stress Tolerance in Some Important Wild Plants Grown in the Arabian Desert

Anber Mahmoud Ahmed Hassanein

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]   DOI: 10.5829/idosi.jhsop.2017.65.71


Response of Chamaedorea elegans, Mart. Plants Grown under Different Light Intensity Levels to Chemical and Organic Fertilization Treatments

Abou Dahab, T.A.M., H.A. Ashour, E.E.A. El-deeb and Saber M.M. Hend

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]   DOI: 10.5829/idosi.jhsop.2017.72.85


Effect of Tryptophan and Some Nutrient Elements Foliar Application on Yield and Fruit Quality of Washington Navel Orange

Fatma K. Ahmed, Nadia A. Hamed, Magdy A. Ibrahim and Amgad M. ELazazy

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]   DOI: 10.5829/idosi.jhsop.2017.86.97
