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British Journal of Poultry Sciences (BJPS)
                                   Volume 2 Number 3, 2013

Characteristics of Indigenous Chicken Production System in South West and South Part of Ethiopia

E. Moreda, S Hareppal, A Johansson, T Sisaye and Z Sahile

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Modified Chick Brooding Technology Based on Cotton-Plate-as-Cage (Mulugeta Brooder) for Small Scale Poultry Farming

Mulugeta Ayalew

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Molecular Characterization of Circulating Duck Viral Enteritis in Egypt During 2012-2013

Hanaa A. El-Samadony, Laila A. Tantawy, Ekram Salama and Afaf A. Khedr

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]
